equal opportunities employer


Camlab is an equal opportunities employer that protects human rights and builds good relationships. We comply with all regulations. Any changes in practice or updates are relayed to all staff as required by either e-mail; formal letters, manager briefings and/or all staff meetings.

We make sure that Camlab has a positive impact in all aspects of society, including economical, social and environmental, and by reducing our negative impact. Camlab achieves this by ensuring employee satisfaction. With happy employees who are engaged and satisfied where they have a work life balance where they are comfortable in all aspects. Employees are then more driven to succeed which ultimately improves the efficiency of the businesses and reduces employee turnover. We aim to create an environment that we invest in in the long term for our employees’ future.  

Modern Slavery Act 2015
While camlab fall outside section 54 Modern Slavery Act 2015, Camlab comply with the requirements of the act. There is no slavery, servitude, forced labour or human trafficking taking place at Camlab.

At Camlab we understand the importance of personal contact. As well as providing you with an easy to use website our experienced and dedicated Customer Sales team is also available to help should you not find what you need online. No time-wasting call queues or being endlessly put through to another department. Experience the difference.

To speak to customer service please call 01954 233110
or email sales@camlab.co.uk